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Training Framework

Greendale NPCC strongly believes in development of character, resilience and leadership. Our training programme includes drills, outdoor trainings, courses, community services and many other interesting activities. Through these activities, we aim to develop our cadets into responsible citizens with self-discipline, respect, responsibility, determination, loyalty, courage and integrity.

Physical Training

This training session is meant to build up the cadet's physical fitness standard, with activities like running, push ups, situps, pull ups and resistance activities. All these activities push the cadets to try their very best to complete the task at hand, ignoring the pain and difficulty involved. This pushes the cadet's limit to no extent, generating new heights. Physical training sessions also aim to build up the cadets teamwork and camarederie, with rules such as 'Leave no man behind, run as a squad' and 'One for all, all for one' constantly emphasized on during running sessions.

Overseas Visits

NPCC organises annual educational visits for our cadets and members. NPCC cadets and members have the opportunity to network, not just locally, but into foreign lands as well.

The purpose of the visit is to broaden the mental horizon of our cadets and members through first-hand knowledge of the economic, social and cultural aspects of the host country. The educational visits focus mainly on regional Asian countries that have similar set-up as the NPCC so that our cadets are further exposed to the Police-Youth partnership programme in other countries.

Cadets have the chances to visit Hong Kong, Brunei, Malaysia and various countries throughout their service in NPCC


NPCC takes pride in parades. Each year, we have an annual parade engaging more than 1000 participants.

Each NPCC cadets have the opportunity to be selected to participate in Nationals events such as the National Day Parade (NDP) as well as the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Opening Ceremony.

There are three prestigious parades namely the National Police Annual Parade (NPAP), Singapore Youth Festival Opening Ceremony (SYFOC), National Day Parade (NDP).

Foot Drills

Drills has had a very long standing time, not just in NPCC and uniformed groups in general, but also the military.

Drills has long since been an excellent way of building discipline and teamwork within a squad. An individual effort is not enough, the entire body must work as one to perfect drills.

Drills help to build resilience and teamwork. It's where a squad actually bonds together and work together as one, going through thick and thin, emerging as a person who works well with the people around them.


Cadets get to learn basic Campcraft knowledge such as  knot and lashings, pitching of tent, building flagstaff as well as being exposed to pioneering.

Such campcraft skills are essential when cadets are out in the wild. 

Annual Camps

As an NPCC cadets, they are exposed to various outdoor training, one of which is attending annual camps. 

For sec 2 and 3, they get to attending 'Adventure Training Camp' and the 'Survival Training Camp' which is held at our own NPCC campsite at Pulau Ubin. Cadets from different schools in the same zone will come together and bond as one .

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